Dan Bellm

Dan Bellm

Dan Bellm lives in Berkeley, California. His five books of poems include Counting (Finishing Line Press, 2023), Deep Well (Lavender Ink, 2017), and Practice (Sixteen Rivers, 2008), winner of a 2009 California Book Award. Recent translations include Central American Book of the Dead, by Balam Rodrigo (FlowerSong Press, 2023), Speaking in Song, by Pura López Colomé (Shearsman Books, 2017), and The Song of the Dead, by Pierre Reverdy (Black Square Editions, 2016), winner of an Artist’s Fellowship in Translation from the National Endowment for the Arts. He has taught literary translation and poetry in the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Antioch University Los Angeles, and at New York University. Dan’s personal website is at: www.danbellm.com.



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