Eliot Schain

Eliot Schain

Eliot Schain’s poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, Santa Monica Review, Another Chicago Magazine, and Miramar, among other journals, as well as in two anthologies: The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems of the San Francisco Bay Watershed, and Christopher Buckley and Gary Young’s Bear Flag Republic: Prose Poems and Poetics from California. Schain’s books include American Romance from Zeitgeist Press and Westering Angels from Small Poetry Press. His new collection is forthcoming from Sixteen Rivers in 2020. He has served as program director for the Poetry Society of America, has taught high school, and now works as a psychotherapist. A proud member of the Squaw Valley Community of Writers, he lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife, Mary.

The Distant Sound

The Distant Sound is a prismatic meditation on what it means to be human, especially when the body and mind seek their own paths to heaven. The poems employ the long Whitmanian breath and are often narrative, but with mysterious syntax whose goal is to bypass reason and activate the heart. Various themes are woven through first- and third-person accounts of the land, the divine, the dynamics between men and women, of humanity’s limits versus our imagination, and of poetry itself.

Read poems from Poems from The Distant Sound by Eliot Schain.

“Eliot Schain is a treasure—a poet with a sharp edge and a broad canvas. Some artists have irony, some have vision; Schain has both and tests them against each other with fire and wit. The results are wild, beautiful, and necessary.”  – D. Nurkse

“An unforgettable modern voice…in Schain’s poetry, the inexhaustible American hunger confronts its limits—wilderness defiled by industry, the nuclear family gone ballistic, love turned impossible  Here wisdom and madness live side-by-side, take the reader’s hand, and walks us toward the uncertain future. Once you have heard his cadences, you will not forget.” – Bruce Isaacson

The Distant Sound is featured at Katherine Hastings’s Word Temple blog (May 26, 2020).

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