Jacqueline Kudler

Jacqueline Kudler

Jacqueline Kudler is a teacher of memoir writing and literature at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary reviews, magazines, and anthologies, and the first full-length collection of her poetry, Sacred Precinct, was published by Sixteen Rivers Press in 2003. Kudler was awarded the Marin Arts Council Board Award in 2005, and the Marin Poetry Center Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010. She lives in Sausalito, California.

Sacred Precinct

“This book is life in itself. Here, a close self-regard; there, a wider regard of the world—each poem precise, often scalpel sharp, always keen in its music, always wise. . . . Sacred Precinct is a large book, every poem in it earned.” —Gerald Fleming

Read poems from Sacred Precinct by Jacqueline Kudler.

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