Judy Halebsky

Judy Halebsky

Judy Halebsky’s book Sky = Empty, won the New Issues Poetry Prize and was a finalist for the California Book Award. The MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, and the Canada Council for the Arts have supported her work. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, she studied art and literature in Japan for five years on fellowships from the Japanese Ministry of Culture. With a collective of Tokyo poets, she edits and translates the bilingual poetry journal Eki Mae. She lives in San Francisco and teaches at Dominican University of California.


Winner of the 2011 Poets-Under-Forty Chapbook Contest, selected by Forrest Hamer

Space/Gap/Interval/Distance engages the reader in rapt translation—between languages, among the visual, the semantic, and the kinesthetic—by way of a poet’s journey of return and what remains unsaid. What singles this work out is that after reading each poem, we are left with evocative images that initiate journeys of translation continuing long after we leave the page.” —Forrest Hamer

Space/Gap/Interval/Distance was reviewed by Jeremy Benson in the December 3, 2012 issue of NewPages.

Read poems from Space/Gap/Interval/Distance by Judy Halebsky.

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