Lisa Erin Robertson

Lisa Erin Robertson

Lisa Erin Robertson was born in Sonoma County. She grew up in California and the Mojave. Her first book of poems, The Orbit of Known Objects, will be published in 2015 by Sixteen Rivers Press. She lives with her daughter in Northern California, where she has worked in public health for many years.

The Orbit of Known Objects

In The Orbit of Known Objects, Lisa Erin Robertson explores memory and history, especially through the eyes of women and family. She is a poet intimate with loss and regret, as well as persistence and resolve. She knows, as another writer from the South put it, that “the past is never dead. It’s not even past.” In the universe of her poems, buried moments cast off their dirt and rise again for the consideration of her readers. Robertson is a poet of exquisite sensibilities, with a generous heart and an eye for the sadness and beauty of our brief, mysterious lives.”
—Edward Falco

“Live in the layers,” exhorted Stanley Kunitz in one of his poems—and this is precisely what Lisa Erin Robertson does in her exquisitely crafted first volume. A rare intelligence draws the subtle layers of the human heart, the hard facts of geology and the natural sciences, the nostalgia of the Confederate South, love, loss, longing, and other ambiguities, all into one great hypnotic incantation whose rhythms insinuate themselves into the body as much as the mind.”
—Roger Housden

The Orbit of Known Objects was reviewed by Margaret Stawoway, for Up The Staircase Quarterly.

Read poems from The Orbit of Known Objects by Lisa Erin Robertson.

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