Lynn Lyman Trombetta

Lynn Lyman Trombetta

Lynn Lyman Trombetta is a third-generation Sonoma County native who lives with her husband on a former dairy ranch on the outskirts of Santa Rosa, California. She often finds inspiration for her poetry in the wildlife and natural beauty of that landscape. Her honors include the D. L. Emblen Award from Santa Rosa Junior College, an award from the journal Americas Review, and three Pushcart Prize nominations. Trombetta teaches poetry workshops at Angela Center in Santa Rosa. Falling World is her first full collection of poems.

Falling World

“Clear poem by clear poem, Falling World limns an ever-widening circle of connections: familial, marital, earthly, cultural, political. As woven by Lynn Trombetta’s attentive and particular vision, these spun threads become part of poetry’s great parachute, which makes our ceaseless falling not only an inevitable fate, but also our unique humanity and art.” — Jane Hirshfield

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