Erin Rodoni
Erin Rodoni
Erin Rodoni is the author of Body, in Good Light (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2017) and A Landscape for Loss, which won the 2016 Stevens Manuscript Prize sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies and is forthcoming later this year. Her work has appeared in Colorado Review, Cimarron Review, Drunken Boat, Ninth Letter, Spoon River Poetry Review, Tupelo Quarterly, and The Adroit Journal, among others. Her poems have also been included in the Best New Poets anthology, featured on Verse Daily, nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and honored with an Intro Journals Award from the Association of Writers and Writing programs. She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two young daughters.

Body, in Good Light
“’I walk toward you barefoot,’ writes Erin Rodoni, a poet who can speak with the same ease of private elegies and public journeys, of childbirth and of changing trains in Krakow, of grief on losing a loved one to cancer, and of ‘borrowed countries / where bougainvillea scales balconies // like a romance language.’ Here is a book that journeys out into the world, and also inward—into the mysteries of private life, of the body, where ‘bliss, like a memory, can be unearthed by scent.’ I love how wisdom enters the moment of passion in these poems, where we see ourselves living here, on this earth, ‘believing // in these bodies.’ This is a marvelous debut.” — Ilya Kaminsky, author of Dancing in Odessa
“The aesthetic that courses throughout Erin Rodoni’s sumptuous debut—tender and bittersweet, but also clear-eyed and unflinching—recalls Rilke’s ninth Duino Elegy, in which the earth’s dream is ‘to resurrect / in us invisibly.’ That ache of regeneration and rejuvenation is made manifest in Body, in Good Light. In the section entitled ‘A Sort of Light We See as Flesh,’ the poem ‘The Chapel’ brings us to a woman’smemorial service, where Rodoni faces ‘an altar draped in fabric / that belongs to no faith.’ At the end, though, she says: ‘We praise/ the faith of whatever machine // keeps the warmth in her hands.’ By extension, that warmth extends to the poet, to those she holds dear, and, thankfully, to us.” — Thomas Centolella, author of Views from Along the Middle Way
Rodoni’s Body, in Good Light nominated for Northern California Book Award in Poetry. Congratulations!
Body, in Good Light reviewed in Columbia Poetry Review by Morgan Peacock.
Body, in Good Light was reviewed in Poetry Now (Nov. 21, 2017).
Verse Daily: http://www.versedaily.
Tupelo Quarterly: http://www.tupeloquarterly.
Antiphon: http://antiphon.org.uk/index.
Clapboard House: http://clapboardjournal.
Verse Wisconsin: http://www.
Word Riot: http://www.wordriot.org/tags/
Four Chambers: http://fourchamberspress.com/
Cumberland River Review: http://crr.trevecca.edu/
Cider Press Review (2 links):