Featured Titles for 2024

The Infinite Field

Alice Templeton

Binding: Perfect-bound paperback
Press run: 500 copies
Price: $18
Page count: 112
Publication date: April 2, 2024
ISBN: 978-1-939639-42-4


Women Twice Removed

Christina Lloyd

Binding: Perfect-bound paperback
Press run: 500 copies
Page count: 88
Price: $18
Publication date: April 2, 2024


Red Studio

Murray Silverstein

Binding: Perfect-bound paperback
Press run: 500 copies
Page count: 81
Price: $18
Publication date: April 2, 2024


Sixteen Rivers Press is a shared-work, nonprofit poetry collective dedicated to providing an alternative publishing avenue for Northern California poets. Founded in 1999 by seven writers, the press is named for the sixteen rivers that flow into San Francisco Bay.

Visit our online bookshop to learn about our 60-plus books of outstanding poetry.

News and Events

Publish with Sixteen Rivers Press

Sixteen Rivers Press invites Northern California authors to submit book-length poetry manuscripts between November 1, 2024, and February 1, 2025. We look forward to reading your work.

Welcome to Our New Press Members

Bonnie Wai-Lee Kwong has creations in video, dance, spoken word, live music and software. ravel, her first book, was a finalist for prizes by White Pine Press and New Rivers Press.  Her second book, The Quenching (Finishing Line Press, 2022), furthers her...

Publish with Sixteen Rivers Press

Call for Submissions Sixteen Rivers Press invites Northern California authors to submit book-length poetry manuscripts between November 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024. We look forward to reading your work.  

New Titles

New Titles 2024

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