Our Upcoming Benefit

We are excited about our annual benefit, to be held this year on October 22. Our reader is the internationally acclaimed poet Eavan Boland, author of New Collected Poems (W.W. Norton & Co., 2009) and winner of a Lannan Foundation Award in Poetry, among other honors. Boland, considered one of the most important contemporary Irish poets, is…Read More

New Publication

Terry Ehret’s new book Night Sky Journey will be published by Kelly’s Cove Press in September, 2011. It is one of six books selected to launch an annual series of new work and classic reprints of California writers and artists. Books may be ordered through the website, www.kellyscovepress.com (live September, 2011) or by calling 510-338-3480.

Save the Date!

Sixteen Rivers is pleased to announce that acclaimed Irish poet Eavan Boland will read at our annual benefit on October 22, 2011. The benefit will be held at a beautiful private home in San Rafael. If you are interested in receiving an invitation, please send us an email at info@sixteenrivers.org and we’ll be happy to send you…Read More

Our Newest Author

Congratulations to Barbara Swift Brauer whose manuscript was selected as the winner of our 2011 Manuscript Competition. Her book will be published in spring of 2013 along with a new collection by current Sixteen Rivers poet, Gerald Fleming.  Thank you to all the poets who have trusted us with their work, and congratulations again to Barbara.

In the Body of Our Lives by Jeanne Wagner – 2011

Jeanne Wagner’s poetry rides through a landscape both familiar in its humanity and astonishingly new. Her fluid syntax and inventive diction flood into hidden and unexpected fissures of experience and memory. She seems to carve out new spaces where images pour into and out of one another and where metaphors appear like undiscovered species, strange…Read More