Welcoming Our Newest Member, Lenore Myers
Lenore Myers’s poems and essays can be found in The Southern Review, The Massachusetts Review, Southern Indiana Review, LIT, and One, among other literary journals. Her chapbook, Regards to Balthus, was published in 2023 by Seven Kitchens Press. She teaches English as a Second Language at the Napa Adult School and is a faculty writing tutor and ESL…Read More
Announcement: Jacqueline Kudler
With great sadness, we announce that Jacqueline Kudler, a founding member of Sixteen Rivers Press, has died at age 89 from complications of ALS. She was a wonderful poet; an ardent and active supporter of the press from its founding up to the time of her death; and a dear, long-time friend and poetry companion…Read More
Publish with Sixteen Rivers Press
Sixteen Rivers Press invites Northern California authors to submit book-length poetry manuscripts between November 1, 2024, and February 1, 2025. We look forward to reading your work.

Welcome to Our New Press Members
Bonnie Wai-Lee Kwong has creations in video, dance, spoken word, live music and software. ravel, her first book, was a finalist for prizes by White Pine Press and New Rivers Press. Her second book, The Quenching (Finishing Line Press, 2022), furthers her multilingual, experimental aesthetic. The dance, music and poetry performance Liriope at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve was the culmination of Bonnie’s residency at Stanford University. …Read More

Annual Call for Submissions: November 1, 2023 – February 1, 2024
Call for Submissions Sixteen Rivers Press invites Northern California authors to submit book-length poetry manuscripts between November 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024. All manuscripts will be read blind, and typically one or two manuscripts are selected for publication. The winner/s will be announced on the press’s website during Summer 2024. Selected manuscripts will be…Read More
2022 Publications
Sixteen Rivers Press is pleased to announce our two publications for 2022, both of which happen to be bilingual collections: Ulalume González de León’s Plagios/Plagiarisms Vol. 2, translated by Terry Ehret, John Johnson, and Nancy J. Morales; and Marjorie Agosín’s Beyond the Time of Words/Más allá del tiempo de las palabras, translated by Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman….Read More