Sunday, October 11, 2020, 3 pm PDT

Our annual fundraiser will feature Matthew Zapruder and Prageeta Sharma reading their work to celebrate our 21 years of publishing fine books of poetry by Northern California poets. We hope you will join us and consider a donation in support of our continuing work.


Matthew Zapruder is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently Father’s Day, from Copper Canyon in Fall 2019, as well as Why Poetry, a book of prose. He is editor at large at Wave Books, where he edits contemporary poetry, prose, and translations. From 2016-7 he held the annually rotating position of Editor of the Poetry Column for the New York Times Magazine. He teaches in the MFA and English Department at Saint Mary’s College of California.

Poet Prageeta Sharma was born in Framingham, Massachusetts. Her collections of poetry include Bliss to Fill (2000), The Opening Question (2004), which won the Fence Modern Poets Prize, Infamous Landscapes (2007), Undergloom (2013), and Grief Sequence (2019). Sharma’s honors and awards include a Howard Foundation Award. She is the Henry G. Lee professor of English at Pomona College as well as the founder and president of the conference Thinking Its Presence: Race, Creative Writing, and Literary Studies.

RSVP on Eventbrite to access reading.