Sixteen Rivers is proud to nominate poems from our 2015 publications for the Pushcart Prize.
From Stella Beratlis’s ALKALI SINK, “Koda Farms, South Dos Palos” and “Patterson Pass.”
From Lisa Erin Robertson’s THE ORBIT OF KNOWN OBJECTS, “Engagement” and “The Mineral Kingdom.”
And from Helen Wickes’s WORLD AS YOU LEFT IT, “North” and “Daedalus.”

Meanwhile, poems by members of our press have been nominated by various journals for Pushcarts: Erin Rodoni has had nominations from Chautauqua, Ninth Letter, Cider Press Review, and Rock & Sling. Gillian Wegener was nominated by California Quarterly for her poem “Stop #1: Franklin K. Lane Grove.” Lynne Knight was nominated for the poem “The Sudden Holy” by Cultural Weekly. 

Best of luck and congratulations to these fine poets!