Jackie Kudler

With great sadness, we announce that Jacqueline Kudler, a founding member of Sixteen Rivers Press, has died at age 89 from complications of ALS. She was a wonderful poet; an ardent and active supporter of the press from its founding up to the time of her death; and a dear, long-time friend and poetry companion of many of its members. We will miss her terribly.

A valued member of the poetry community in Marin County, Jackie was awarded the Marin Arts Council Board Award in 2005 and the Marin Poetry Center Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010. Her poems have appeared in numerous poetry journals and anthologies. Her first full-length poetry collection, Sacred Precinct, was published by Sixteen Rivers Press in 2003; her second, Easing into Dark, in 2012. A third collection, Ripenings, was published in 2024.

A series of readings from this book by members of the press in Jackie’s honor will be held in the fall of 2024 and the spring of 2025 and will be announced in future posts.

A long-time resident of Sausalito, Jackie taught classes in memoir writing and literature at the College of Marin in Kentfield for more than 30 years. Prior to that, she taught for many years at Sausalito’s North Bay School, which she helped to start. An avid hiker her whole life, she and sister Arlene Stark co-wrote a series of articles on hiking Marin trails, published in the Marin Independent Journal and Pacific Sun and later collected in a book, Walking from Inn to Inn: The San Francisco Bay Area, published by East Woods Press.