Summer Is Upon Us
Summer is upon us and great things are afoot at Sixteen Rivers Press! We have new books from our members, a new chapbook from our Poets Under Forty series, and our first translation project, all in the pipeline working their way toward you, our readers. We couldn’t be more excited. Read on to learn the…Read More
Sixteen Rivers Spring Newsletter
Spring is here and so are two new books from Sixteen Rivers Press. We are excited to share these new titles with you, and to let you know about upcoming readings and events. We hope to see you at one or more readings and to include you in the celebrations of our new books! Read…Read More
New Publication
Terry Ehret’s new book Night Sky Journey will be published by Kelly’s Cove Press in September, 2011. It is one of six books selected to launch an annual series of new work and classic reprints of California writers and artists. Books may be ordered through the website, (live September, 2011) or by calling 510-338-3480.
Our Newest Author
Congratulations to Barbara Swift Brauer whose manuscript was selected as the winner of our 2011 Manuscript Competition. Her book will be published in spring of 2013 along with a new collection by current Sixteen Rivers poet, Gerald Fleming. Thank you to all the poets who have trusted us with their work, and congratulations again to Barbara.
Chapbook Contest Winner
Congratulations to Judy Halebsky, the winner of the Sixteen Rivers chapbook contest with her manuscript Space, Gap, Interval, Distance. Our judge, Forrest Hamer, made the final selection from a strong list of entries. Judy’s first book, Sky=Empty, won the 2009 New Issues Poetry Prize and was published last year. Her chapbook will be published in spring, 2012….Read More
Read the review by Alexa Mergen of The Place That Inhabits Us in Rattle’s online blog (1/25/11). Jeanne Wagner has won the $1,000 Inkwell Award, sponsored by Manhattanville College and judged by Mark Doty. Christina Hutchins is the winner of the 2010 Robin Becker Chapbook Prize from Seven Kitchens Press. “Radiantly We Inhabit the Air” will be published in January 2011….Read More